St. Johann in Tirol
residents of second homes. About 2,200 people commute daily to St. Johann and the town has approx. 5,600 Hotel Beds. Statistically there are 3,200 Households within 1,800 Buildings.
The majority of St. Johann’s economic infrastructure consists of small and medium size businesses in Industry, Commerce and Hospitality. The businesses in the the centre of St. Johann experienced an upturn with the establishment of the Pedestrian zone. Approximately 20,000 people per day make use of the facilties and business services offered in St. Johann.
More detailed information about St. Johann is available using the link:
District Parish Church
1723-1728: The District Parish Church , Maria Himmelfahrt (Church of the Assumption) was built by the Bavarian architect, Abraham Millauer, to replace the Gothic church that had become unsafe due to flood and lightening damage. The Church belongs to the beginning of the High baroque period of the Tyrolean Unterland (the districts of Schwaz, Kufstein and Kitzbühel) This is evident in the uniform layout of the church.
The cove frescos are early works of the Kitzbühel painter, Simon Benedikt Faistenberger and are surrounded by extensive stucco work. The impressive High altarpiece and the Pulpit were created by Anton Gigl in stucco marble. The Altar paintings are all from the court painter of the Archbishops of Salzburg, Jacob Zanussi. The high Altar painting depicts the Assumption as well as both Patron Saints of St. Johann, St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist.
On the side Altars, St. Francis and John of Nepomuk, the two Patrons of mining, Barbara and Daniel, as well as St Dominic with a rosary are illustrated.
On the right hand side Altar is a particularly good quality gothic throned Virgin from around the time of 1450.
The 4 bells of the South Tower were cast in 1948, while the large bell in the North Tower is from the baroque period. (1777)